Monday, June 19, 2006

Football a tek ova!

Started a temp job today and while I am glad of the opportunity to earn some money, I am once again reminded that I loathe the traditional office environment. I have worked two places in my life where the working environment was good, my colleagues intelligent and fun and the work fulfilling. Apart from that my work experiences have been miserable. You know what made those two expereiences so great? Not money. What made them great was the fact that you were judged on your output and its quality, not how many hours you spent in the office, there was flexitime, you could see the results of your work, my bosses allowed me and my co-workers to get on with it and the co-workers were lovely. How I wish I could find this again!

I am a football widow like many others. Added to this Wimbeldon starts next week - and Seymour does love his tennis. The other day, after switching back and forth from the US (or was it the French?) Open and World Cup, he then switched to the darts - that's when I lost it. It turns out he will watch any sport except ice hockey and American football. I am doomed!

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